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A Templar Knight’s Blessing for the Journey Ahead
By the sacred vows of valour and the light of divine purpose, we, guardians of the ancient path, bestow upon you, noble traveler, this blessing:
May the shield of courage guard your steps, and the sword of truth cut through all shadows that cross your way. Let the winds carry you to lands where wonder stirs the soul, and every horizon whispers of mysteries yet unveiled. May the spirit of Brotherhood guide your heart, binding you to fellow wanderers in fellowship and trust.
As the Templars of old sought purpose in pilgrimage, so too may your travels be blessed with discovery of the world’s hidden beauty, of strength within, and of grace in the unknown. May the red cross upon our banners remind you: no road is walked alone, for Heaven’s light shines on those who journey with a bold and open heart.
Go forth, intrepid soul, with the fortitude of saints and the fire of adventurers. May your path be safe, your burdens light, and your story forever etched in the annals of the brave.
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
Non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
(Not unto us, O Lord, but unto Thy Name give the glory.)